Pssst…! Wanna know a secret?
How about the secret of the secret?
How about the secret of the secret?
How about the secret of the secret?
Wanna know the secret of the secret?
Let’s all take a vacation in Vegas andray the roulette wheel? slot 138 login It’s a long way to the top of the Eiffel Tower, but I’ll get there in a moment.
Before I get back to my vacation in Vegas, let’s go back to the secret of the secret.
The key to the secret is this:
If you can’t beat the house edge, then you can’t win at blackjack.
The house edge is built into the rules of the game so that the casino ensures itself a profit. It doesn’t matter, in the logic of the game, whether you use basic strategy or card counting. Sin with the one and you lose with the other. Sin with both and you lose your money to the casino.
In Las Vegas, however, I saw a great innovation. They had a new slot machine which had a second screen, a video slot. It was a lot like a video poker machine, except that it displayed a spinning wheel. When the player wanted to win, he would hit the spin button and the wheel would spin.
At the end of the spin, the player would have won the spin after all!
It sounds almost too simple to be true, I know, but it works. You really do win at blackjack by hitting the correct number at the appropriate time.
The entire premise behind the video slot is based on the fact that a player should be able to hit a high number after the spin is completed. Since the wheel is spun in a completely random fashion, there is no known pattern to the numbers that will be selected.
When the player takes one hit, it is determined whether the number he is suppose to be hitting is high enough on the wheel to win. If it is, then the player should continue to hit. If it isn’t high enough, then the player should press the spin button until he or she manages to hit the high number number he or she is suppose to hit.
As I have already stated, the only thing you really have to do is decide which number you are going to be hitting. Don’t go in with a pre-conceived notion of what you are going to hit; that will leave you no help down the road.
On the other hand, you also need to be aware of the number that the machine will go with each spin. This number varies from machine to machine and even from one casino to another.
One of the most valuable lessons I have learned when playing any casino game is to have patience. It is, after all, a casino game. You may be asked to play for your money, but there is nothing wrong with taking your time.
That means that you should be disciplined and stick to your schedule; the longer you play, the more likely you are to lose your money!